Its started right from my childhood days i use to see lot of WWE shows . Show Stopper is referred to none other Mr.HBK
himself .He used to steal the show with his sweet chin Music .I love show stopper, I love DX :)
Any how this post about Show Stopper is not related to him :) I hate this show stopper ..!
Today I got a mail from our QE that they have rejected our kit which we have released earlier ,stating they have found a show stopper in our code.
Show Stopper come on ,
What is Show Stopper ?
In software development there is a term for a missing feature or bug plagued service that will be the crucial factor which will threaten the overall acceptance of the software - its called a showstopper
We are following waterfall model for the whole product and Incremental delivery for every feature which needs to be added/merged to the whole product.
The issue stated was combination of authentication doesn't working.we already stated this as know issue in the release notes, still it has been spotted as show stopper .
In real time is there any online Banking /Financial companies using a combination of authentication , how about having user name / password + certificate authentication + biometrics ? for user to login to your system ?
yes it do s***s to me.. !
But we are in outsourcing industry babe.. we used to code things which never ever happen to be exists in real world. So wrong statement :)
Let me try to prove in a different way from my knowledge that I acquired from surfing , read in blogosphere ,forums, etc
Software Quality
I have a question ,Does bug free software mean good software?
Bugs in a software products are due to ,
a) QA's attention in their job
b) Ability of a programmer
c) Features of the Software
Mathematically ,
bugs= (X robustness of the QA process X features provided by the software / robustness of the development process.)
So from above equations, when both QA and Dev process are robust enough then bugs are due to the feature introduced into the software :)
So why we need that combination of authentication? From Business perception we need to have, for market advantage and for other Blahs , but from an Engineering perception the above equation holds the answer.
Equal and opposite force attract each other may be true for law of magnetism but it fails for software Engineering.Specially Engineering peoples,
I read this lines in a blog ,Whom ever thanks to him , exactly fits to my posting ,
1.) the evil force called QA logs high severity bugs forecasting catastrophe as inevitability in the system to get the wheel in motion.
2.) Development aka heroes (why are they always commended for fixing a bug when they coded badly in the first place?) as part of evaluation predict completely opposite rosier picture and soothe nerves saying such things rarely happen in real world and fixes aren't urgent.
Much like Ying and Yang :)
To make software to be more productive and really useful to the customers both should work collaborative.
Guns wont kill people, Its people who kill people ,
I repeat ,
Guns wont kill people , Its people who kill people
Software Metrics Don't Kill Projects, Moronic Peoples/Managers Kill Projects
Use it wisely at least in your projects.!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Show - Stopper
Labels: software
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