I am FireFox user switched form IE , the reason soley i moved to FireFox is due the tabbed browsing feature , and cool alerts which maded me to stick with FireFox.
How ever there is one problem i cant use FireFox as my favourite browser for one reason , to check my officials mails for which i have to use IE , since i have to use Microsoft web access .Eventhough the basic version works with FireFox the Premium wont work with FireFox this is due to use of rich use Activex aka the properitory Technology from Microsoft.
So i am struck here , i have to use IE , no other option for me . yeah i want to use premium account The premium client provides all Outlook Web Access features this what they claim , implicitly i want to use all the features of outlook web access. :)
I dont know what happened with IE, when i came in to work on the next day morning suddenly it showed this message when i accessed my mail ,
The page must be viewed with a high security web browser HTTP Error 403.5 (This .5 is again Microsoft thing !)
The only thing i can do now is to ask Google what is this crap ! It showed some trouble shooting techniques which sayed ,
- Either you are using IE version less than version 6
- Installed with out High Encryption pack
Nothing can be change this settings , since i was using it yesterday and its working gud.I am pretty clear its version is 6 and eariler i tried to install IE 7 since i am using windoze 2000 so i cant install it either so my browser version must be IE 6
Whats that High Encryption Pack ?
U.S. government export regulations would not permit crypto systems using 128-bit keys to be exported and the longest key size allowed for export without individual license proceedings was 40 bit normally everything with has its relationship with encryption will ship in two version for US Edition and International Edition , In Java this will be exported in security policy (\jre\lib\security) So i got a doubt may be this culprit gets corrupted , Since i have trust in Microsoft they wont downgrade my browser version as part of their automatic updates ,
well i checked with my browser the famous About Internet Explorer , It showed i am using IE version 6.0 and 128 bit cipher .

Shit... Its still 128bit , So no problem but still its thrown error 403.5 Only thing i can do now at this time ask the guy who sitting next to me whether our mail server is working rite ? The answer was of course working.The next big thing i can do is to Restart the system and check whether its working ! Dont blame me every Indian Outsourcing Developer , Tester will try this version and there its no excuse for me i am one such and i have no trust on DLLs i trust .class and not DLLs.
Nothing it didnt worked either ,the next step comes handy is to uninstall IE .I doubt whether it can be done since AOL has already sued them on this regards , Windows + IE is default however they had it in remove window components , when i did that , i dont have a clue whether it removed IE completely , how ever i got IE 6.0 with High Encryption pack set up installed , it didnt worked either ! Shit the second version of Indian Outsourcing Engineers Edition too failed !
The only thing i can do at this time is to use my edition , i downloaded separately High EncryptionPack and installed , since i dont have any trust in DLLs i tried the First version , yeah restarting the windoze .. now tried yeah it worked ! But it ate almost more than 3 hours of my time shit !
Even though its a web application a profound of client server application this means a Linux user i cant use Microsoft web access! This what called Microsofted ..! And i am not an exception of being Microsofted !
update: Opensource wont let you down.. Activex in Firefox is on the way !
Still using Win 2000??????
yes , client approved one .. what to do :(
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